The updated District goals for Hinckley-Big Rock CUSD #429 have been posted. Visit to learn about our progress. #WeAreHBR
about 4 years ago, Dr. McGuire
Goals page 1
Goals page 2
We are offering Meal Pick-Up ( or Bus Meal Delivery ( to provide meals to children under the age of 18 in our district. Please complete one of the forms by 12.31 as we prepare for the week of 1.4. #WeAreHBR
about 4 years ago, HBR CUSD #429
Sack lunch
From the staff at Hinckley-Big Rock CUSD #429, we wish you a Merry and Blessed Christmas! #WeAreHBR @HBRES429 @HBRMS429 @HBRHS429
about 4 years ago, HBR CUSD #429
Merry Christmas
Reminder...The Hinckley Area Food Pantry is providing meals to children under the age of 18 on Monday, 12.28.20. If you would like to take advantage, please complete the Google Form ( no later than today's end. #ItTakesAVillage
about 4 years ago, HBR CUSD #429
Hinckley Area Food Pantry
Check out our updated Community Education and Engagement Plan for 2020-2021 by visiting This document provides insight into our district and building level communication topics for the second semester of 2020-2021. #WeAreHBR #TheMoreYouKnow
about 4 years ago, Dr. McGuire
The Hinckley Area Food Pantry is providing meals to children under the age of 18 on Monday, 12.28.2020. If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity, please complete the Google Form ( no later than Monday, 12.21.20. #ItTakesAVillage
about 4 years ago, HBR CUSD #429
Hinckley Area Food Pantry
Reminder...We are offering Meal Pick-Up ( or Bus Meal Delivery ( to provide meals to children under the age of 18. Please complete one of the forms by today's end as we prepare for the week of 12.21.
about 4 years ago, HBR CUSD #429
Sack lunch
The water main break has been repaired @HBRHS429! We will be under a boil order until we get test results back. With that one limitation, @HBRHS429 and the @HBRCUSD429 District Office will be open tomorrow. All building operations will run as normal. #WeAreHBR #ItTakesAVillage
about 4 years ago, HBR CUSD #429
We are offering Meal Pick-Up ( or Bus Meal Delivery ( to provide meals to children under the age of 18 in our district. Please complete one of the forms by 12.17 as we prepare for the week of 12.21. #WeAreHBR
about 4 years ago, HBR CUSD #429
Sack lunch
As a result of Hinckley-Big Rock CUSD #429 being in Region 1 of Illinois and that region being under Tier 3 resurgence mitigations, the regular Board meeting on December 16th will be lived streamed at 6:30 pm to the general public on our YouTube channel and can be viewed at The HBR Board of Education will meet in person in the HBRHS library with no public attendance due to the Tier 3 resurgence mitigation restrictions. To view the agenda, visit If you wish to make public comment for our live streamed Board meeting, you can submit your comment at This Google Form will be available up until the time for public comment during the regular Board meeting on 12.16.2020 at 6:30 pm. All submitted public comments will be read during the regular Board meeting. #WeAreHBR #TogetherWeGotThis
about 4 years ago, HBR CUSD #429
YouTube Live Stream
We had a water main break @HBRHS429 this morning. The building will be closed, however our learning will continue. Meal pick up @HBRHS429 and delivery will also continue as scheduled. All other building operations @HBRES429 and @HBRMS429 will run as normal. #WeAreHBR #IsIt2021Yet
about 4 years ago, Dr. McGuire
We are looking for the next dynamic Principal @HBRHS429 to lead the students & staff beginning in the 2021-2022 school year. If you or someone you know is interested in joining our team, please visit to apply. Posting closes 1/8/2021. #WeAreHBR
about 4 years ago, HBR CUSD #429
HBR logo and hashtags
Check out this week's Every Royal's Voice to gain perspective from @HBR429SpecEd on our journey to build resilience - #WeAreHBR #ItTakesAVillage #TogetherWeGotThis
about 4 years ago, HBR CUSD #429
7 Cs of Resilience
Reminder...We are offering Meal Pick-Up ( or Bus Meal Delivery ( to provide meals to children under the age of 18. Please complete one of the forms by today's end as we prepare for the week of 12.10.
about 4 years ago, HBR CUSD #429
Sack lunch
We are offering Meal Pick-Up ( or Bus Meal Delivery ( to provide meals to children under the age of 18 in our district. Please complete one of the forms by 12.10 as we prepare for the week of 12.14. #WeAreHBR
about 4 years ago, HBR CUSD #429
Sack lunch
Students & Parents: Additional academic coaching, support, and intervention kick off this week in all 3 of our buildings via Google Meets! Check your email for specific information about how to access this support. #RoyalPride #WeAreHBR #TogetherWeGotThis
about 4 years ago, Admin
Academic coaching
Check out the 429 Update for the month of November by visiting If you have not already done so, don't forget to subscribe to our channel after viewing the update to receive additional notifications. #WeAreHBR #RoyalPride
about 4 years ago, HBR CUSD #429
HBR logo screen
Check out this week's Every Royal's Voice to gain perspective from an @HBRES429 parent on how HBR is a beautiful place to live - #WeAreHBR #ItTakesAVillage #TogetherWeGotThis
about 4 years ago, HBR CUSD #429
Reminder...We are offering Meal Pick-Up ( or Bus Meal Delivery ( to provide meals to children under the age of 18. Please complete one of the forms by today's end as we prepare for the week of 12.7.
about 4 years ago, HBR CUSD #429
sack lunch
Reminder...We are offering Meal Pick-Up ( or Bus Meal Delivery ( to provide meals to children under the age of 18 in our district. Please complete one of the forms by 12.3 as we prepare for the week of 12.7.
about 4 years ago, HBR CUSD #429
Sack lunch