District Nurse

Meet our Health Office Team

Abby Christensen (paramedic) and Emily Oldenburg (registered nurse) currently make up our health office. Both started here in Fall of 2021 and are excited to serve our students for the 2024-2025 school year.

From the Nurse's Office


The state of Illinois has released a NEW Child Health Examination form which is linked under the "IL Child Health Form" button to the right of this page. Moving forward, please use this form when getting your student(s) physicals.

REMINDER: The state of Illinois requires dental exams for grades: Kindergarten, 2nd grade, 6th grade, and 9th grade. These forms are due to the school nurse by May 15th 2024.


As we welcome your students back, please keep in mind all the health forms that are required for registration. Please refer to the link on the right titled "23-24 Health Form Requirements." Physicals, updated immunizations and eye exams are due before October 15th 2023 and Dental exams are due by May 15th 2024.

Students entering Early Childhood, Kindergarten, 6th or 9th grade with missing physicals and/or updated immunizations as well as students entering 12th grade with missing MCV4 vaccines will be excluded from school if they are not turned in on or before October 15th, 2023. If a student is exempt from a physical or immunizations, please make sure a religious exemption form is turned in and signed by their physician. This form can be found on the right titled Religious Exemption Form. Exclusions will start October 16th 2023 if forms are missing.

If your student will be receiving scheduled medication this school year, please fill out a medication administration form and send over their doctor's orders so we can properly accommodate this need. You can bring this to your child's school or you can send to the nurse's email which is nurse@hbr429.org. Please make sure this medication comes with your child once orders are received.

Illness Protocols

If your student has a fever of 100.4 or higher, they should remain home until fever-free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication.

If your student vomits or has persistent diarrhea, they should remain home for 24 hours from time of last bout.

If your student is diagnosed with Strep or Pink eye, they should remain home until they have completed 24 hours worth of their antibiotics prescribed to them by their health care provider.

COVID-19 will now be treated as any other communicable disease. Students should stay home if symptomatic and return to school when they are feeling better. Hinckley-Big Rock will not be providing COVID tests this year.

Vision and Hearing Screenings

Hearing and Vision screenings are mandated by the state for all students receiving special education services, students new to the district, or teacher or parent referrals. Parents will be notified if there are any abnormal findings. These are only screenings and should never replace a thorough exam by your doctor. If your child already wears (or should be wearing) glasses or hearing aids, please let the school nurse know. Hearing and Vision Screenings will occur on September 7th and September 8th for the 2023-2024 school year. Rescreens will occur on September 19th, 2023.