A Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a term used to describe an evidence based model of problem solving that uses data to integrate academic and behavioral instruction and intervention. The integrated instruction and intervention is delivered to students in varying intensities (multiple tiers) based on student need. “Need-driven” decision-making seeks to ensure that district resources to meet students where they are in their learning journey and to provide the necessary intervention supports to assist them in moving forward in skill development. MTSS allows educators to judge the overall success of their school system, by examining data in an on-going, systematic manner. The idea is to ensure all students reach expectations set for by the Common Core State Standards and are college and career ready.
MTSS and RtI are essential the same initiatives, but MTSS is a more accurate description of resource mapping. MTSS framework is a set of evidence‐based practices and procedures in the areas of curriculum, instruction and assessment. These practices are supported by research and promote the ability of the system to gather, analyze, and use data for the purpose of instructional decision making across all levels, including the classroom, school building, and district.
MTSS focuses on three tiers of intervention:
Tier 1 Core (Universal): For every student
Tier 2 Core + More (Targeted): For students with identified areas in need of additional targeted support
Tier 3 Core + Most (Intensive): For students who are significantly discrepant from their peers and targeted interventions were not succesful
The Student Services Department works collaboratively with staff and parents in our three schools to bring supports and services to students who need assistance beyond their classroom instruction. Interventions may be provided for students to assist with academic, social-emotional, or health needs. Each building has a student assistance team who reviews student data for on-going planning of targeted interventions using a collaborative process with staff, students, and parents. The Student Services Department works with building teams to provide these supports in an inclusive and flexible manner.
Through our student assistance teams, we use a multi-tiered system of supports to ensure that:
Students who need additional support are identified early
Students identified as needing more support are provided interventions targeted at their specific needs using research-based strategies
Student progress is monitored frequently so that we know if the interventions are working
Teachers and School Teams use data to change interventions when needed
Schools have a system of support to assist teachers and students in this process