Please join us for a "2nd Cup of Coffee". Our next open discussion with our building Principals and Superintendent will be March 18th. See you there!

Check out this week's Every Royal's Voice blog post about Mrs. Pickert and Her Experience Presenting at Career Day! #EveryRoyalsVoice #TogetherWeAreHBR #RoyalPride

Your opinion is important to us! Please check your emails for information on the 5Essentials Survey or click the link here to start. The survey is open until March 28th.

Check out this week's Every Royal's Voice blog post written by HBR parent and staff member, Fran Kriesch! #EveryRoyalsVoice #TogetherWeAreHBR #RoyalPride

Check out this week's Every Royal's Voice blog post about one of HBR's 4th Grade Students! #EveryRoyalsVoice #TogetherWeAreHBR #RoyalPride

Tonight's Board of Education meeting has been canceled due to the illness of several members, which has resulted in a lack of quorum. The meeting will be rescheduled for next Wednesday, February 26, 2025, at 6:30 PM at Hinckley-Big Rock High School.

Keep an eye out in your email for the Illinois 5Essentials Survey open from February 18th-March 28th.

The HBR Board of Education will hold a regular Board of Education meeting at 6:30 PM on February 19th at the Hinckley-Big Rock High School Library and live streamed at https://tinyurl.com/HBRYouTube Visit https://meetings.boardbook.org/Public/Organization/1228 to view the agenda.

Notice of School Board Vacancy. Please see the flyer for more information.

Check out this week's Every Royal's Voice blog post written by Hinckley-Big Rock Student Representatives! #EveryRoyalsVoice #TogetherWeAreHBR #RoyalPride

Due to the predicted snow, HBR schools will participate in E-Learning tomorrow, February 12, 2025.

Tomorrow, February 12, will be an E-Learning Day for HBR schools. Please check your email for more information.

Today, February 11, is Internet Safety Day. Please talk with your children about staying safe online. #CultivatingOurFuture

Nominations are now being accepted for the 2026 Dekalb County Excellence in Education award winners. Every school district in DeKalb County is eligible to nominate one individual in each of the following categories:
Pre-K – 5th Grade Teacher
6th – 8th Grade Teacher
9th – 12th Grade Teacher
Support Staff (e.g., secretaries, classroom aides, custodians, food service, bus drivers, and maintenance staff)
For more information and to see 2024's winners (2025 announced soon!) visit: https://dekalbccf.org/give/philanthropy-at-work/excellence-in-education/
Nominations can be made here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/11XvChkAFFjnRl4FGKmcZjObZlNDJ6bqi6KbgMprbETo/edit

Check out this week's Every Royal's Voice blog post written by Susan Clark, HBR Multilingual Teacher! #EveryRoyalsVoice #TogetherWeAreHBR #RoyalPride https://hbrcommunityblog.blogspot.com/2025/02/hbr-superhero-school.html

Check out this week's Every Royal's Voice blog post from Early Childhood! #EveryRoyalsVoice #TogetherWeAreHBR #RoyalPride

Check out this week's Every Royal's Voice blog post about Career Day at HBR Middle School! #EveryRoyalsVoice #TogetherWeAreHBR #RoyalPride

Due to the predicted extreme cold temperatures, tomorrow, January 21, 2025, will be an e-learning day for HBR students.

Applications for Blended Early Childhood 25/26 school year are now live!

Check out this week's Every Royal's Voice blog post from our HBR Chess Club! #EveryRoyalsVoice #TogetherWeAreHBR #RoyalPride https://hbrcommunityblog.blogspot.com/2025/01/check-mate-young-strategists-how-three.html