Why do we have a chain of communication?
The following chain of communication has been created to better facilitate effective and efficient communication that we believe will result in clearer understandings and better relationships between all involved parties. HBR CUSD #429 takes great pride in its communication with an ongoing desire to improve both our internal and external communication. Through our communication practices, we strive to build productive relationships with parents, students, staff, and community members. In a school organization with multiple layers of responsibilities, it is sometimes unclear who to contact when a question or concern arises. Questions or concerns are best addressed by the appropriate individual who can resolve the question or concern at hand while providing a direct response using first hand information. The initial communication should occur at the level the initial question or concern occurred with appeals moving on to the next level if an acceptable resolution is not achieved. If the chain of communication is not followed, the individual will be directed to the appropriate contact to begin the communication process.
Who should I contact if I have a question or issue?
This following list has been alphabetized and in no way represents a prioritized list.
I now know who to contact. How do I find their contact information?
Click on each link below to gain access to the appropriate chain of communication:
What happens when my communication is received? What can I expect?
When a staff member receives communication, they are responsible for responding, at minimum, in the same communication modality within a 24 hour time period. A phone call, or an in-person meeting, is the preferred follow up communication method as it allows for a more effective and efficient exchange of information and accelerates the timeline for understanding and resolution.
What are the expectations during the communication process?
As Royal staff members we are committed to be authentic, enthusiastic, reflection, student-centered professionals who create an environment where all feel welcome, develop relationships, and strive for excellence. We will adhere to these commitments during our communication. We expect that during the communication process, all parties are respectful to each other, seek to understand, and engage in problem-solving when a resolution is sought. If at any time during the communication process, the situation becomes heated, either party may request a break and reschedule a time that the conversation will resume.
What will the outcome of our communication be?
Each staff member in the chain of communication will make every attempt to provide solutions and resolutions that we realize will not always be satisfactory to all of the parties involved. While a resolution that is satisfactory to all parties is desired, that may not be attainable. While we may not always agree, we will explain the why behind the provided solutions and resolutions. It is also important to note that federal and state law on data privacy and confidentiality guide us to share relevant information with relevant parties on a need to know basis.