Lunch is served. Attention in-person students: If you need a lunch please complete this very brief survey each day at the start of your in-person learning: https://forms.gle/6RQ8fPNxSQ6cJspS8
More information can be found in the Lunch Update News article. #WeAreHBR

Students with a study hall at the start or end of their in-person learning are eligible for early dismissal or late arrival to school. Please see this form for details: https://5il.co/jyfv #WeAreHBR

The first day of school....welcome back students!

Details about self-certification, which door to use on the first day of school, and other practical school day information can be found here: https://5il.co/jp0w. We look forward to Wednesday! #WeAreHBR

We will be sharing additional details about arriving at school and school day processes for both in-person and fully remote students on Monday, August 17th. Parents/guardians can be expecting these details by email. #WeAreHBR

Attention HBRHS students: You may now access your class schedules in Skyward. If you are AM you will have courses in periods 1-3. If you are PM you will have courses in periods 5-7. This applies to both in-person blended and fully remote students. See you soon! #WeAreHBR

We have created a virtual Freshman Academy to welcome our incoming freshmen. If you will be starting your first year at HBRHS check your school email for the Google Classroom code. An overview of the academy can be found here: https://5il.co/jcgd. Welcome freshmen! #WeAreHBR

It can be challenging to visualize what the HBR 2020-2021 Learning Plan will look 'in action' once the school year begins. We have created a document that will help you make sense of the daily student schedule. It is available at https://5il.co/j4rg. #WeAreHBR

Just 10 short days until our teachers return! HBRHS will return strong!

Hello Royals! It is an exciting time as we get ready to greet our students for the 2020-21 school year. Very busy, but filled with hope and optimism!

Please visit https://www.hbr429.org/article/264932?org=hbr-429 for an update from Dr. McGuire regarding our planning for the 2020-2021 school year.

I challenged the @HBRHS429 students to stay engaged and keep learning during this time of remote learning. They did their part. So I enlisted the help of my two boys to fulfill my part. They were happy to help! https://bit.ly/3bksA7N #TogetherWeGotThis #WeAreHBR

Career Day @HBRMS429 is underway! Great opportunity for our students to learn from career professionals as they explore future career options. #WeAreHBR #CareerReadiness #ReadyToGo

NHS will be hosting another Blood Drive on 2/21/20 from 9am-2pm. Community members can sign up online or walk in: https://donate.illinois.versiti.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/5574106