Congratulations to our Royal Academic Bowl Team for taking Second Place in the Little 10 Competition tonight! Way to go Royals!
about 4 hours ago, Becky Lauer
Congratulations to our amazing middle school and high school students honored at tonight's FFA Banquet!
about 4 hours ago, Becky Lauer
Some of our band students had the opportunity to participate in the Little 10 Band Festival, and several of our art students had work displayed at the show. Thank you to Mrs. Sartori and Mrs. Decker for working with our students to help them achieve their place in the Little 10. We are so proud of all of our Royals for their work and dedication to the arts!
1 day ago, Jenn Porter
art 2
We are so proud of our boys! Congratulations on an amazing season Royals! 👑🏀
6 days ago, Becky Lauer
Somonauk has asked us to share this information with our fans: HBR- (wear DARK) Please encourage your fans to park in the Somonauk MIDDLE School and enter through the SHS office doors. We will have staff available to scan/ purchase tickets at those doors (similar to the LTC Tourney). These doors will lock at 7:10. Tickets can purchased here:
6 days ago, Jenn Porter
Our Royals will hit the court at 7pm Friday against Aurora Christian. Let's pack the place and get loud for our boys basketball team! Buy tickets here:
8 days ago, Jenn Porter
Our Boys Basketball team is moving on! Due to the Royals win, our Sadie Hawkins Dance this Friday has been rescheduled for next Friday, March 14th! We hope you'll pack the stands to cheer on our boys Friday night as they vie for the chance to head to State!
8 days ago, Jenn Porter
Come cheer on our Royal Basketball Team Wednesday night! HBR VS Ida Crown 7:00 pm Somonauk High School Here is the link to purchase tickets:
9 days ago, Becky Lauer
Congratulations to our Regional Champs! You fought hard and played with integrity! We are so proud of you! #royalpride
13 days ago, Becky Lauer
FFA Awards Banquet
14 days ago, Kristin Langston
Winter Sports Awards are happening soon - save the date!
14 days ago, Jenn Porter
Our spring Parent-Athlete Meeting is coming up! Please plan to attend if you have not attended a meeting yet this year!
15 days ago, Jenn Porter
Parent Athlete
Yearbook FAQ
15 days ago, Kristin Langston
Reminder for tonight's Girls Basketball Sectionals - tickets are purchased through the online ticketing system GoFan. The link for tickets is below:
17 days ago, Jenn Porter
It's Carnival time again! Student Council is excited to invite you to attend their annual Carnival on March 15th from 10am-12pm. Admission is just $2 for each child. Come play games, eat carnival food and win fun prizes!
17 days ago, Jenn Porter
Sadie Hawkins is around the corner! Student Council invites HBRHS students to attend A Night Under the Stars on March 7th from 7pm-9pm. Cost is just $5 per person!
17 days ago, Jenn Porter
National FFA Week was a blast!! HBR FFA had so much to celebrate this week from recognizing new members, bringing Ag In The Classroom to 1st-5th graders, engaging in team activities, giving back to our community through a food drive, and providing breakfast for our wonderful staff. Thank you to all who participated and continue to support HBR FFA. The future of agriculture is bright! 🌟
18 days ago, Zoey Dye
Ag In The Classroom
Ag In The Classroom
Ag In The Classroom
ACT Practice Test Saturday, February 22nd 1:00-3:10 English, Reading, and Writing 3:20-5:00 Math and Science
21 days ago, Jenn Porter
Tonight's Board of Education meeting has been canceled due to the illness of several members, which has resulted in a lack of quorum. The meeting will be rescheduled for next Wednesday, February 26, 2025, at 6:30 PM at Hinckley-Big Rock High School.
22 days ago, Admin
Board logo
Happy National FFA Week! Today we recognizing HBRHS FFA members Harrison Nier and Carmela Key who competed in Section 6 Proficiency Interviews last week! Carmela placed 1st in the area of Food Service, and will be moving on to compete at the district level on March 6th. Harrison placed 2nd in the area of Vegetable Production. He has also earned his State Degree, which will be presented to him this summer at Illinois State Convention in June. They have both worked extremely hard, putting in hundreds of hours of dedicated time into their jobs and Record Books. We are so proud to see them achieving greatness through FFA!!
23 days ago, Zoey Dye
Harrison Nier and Carmela Key