Good Friday morning can’t wait to see students and staff back Tuesday

Reminder school resumes tomorrow Jan 6. WHITE DAY schedule for HBRMS. Third quarter also begins.

Happy Holidays from your friends at HBRMS

Thank you to HBRHS students for helping out today with some of our morning activities

Hot Sweater day thanks Ms Mahaffey

Academic Coaching tonight 3:10 to 4:10 and Miss Lewis math help 7 to 8 also

Happy Birthday HBMS’S own Mr. Ed

Academic Coaching tonight 3:10 to 4:10 and math help 6:00 to 7:00

Happy Monday

Academic help starting Dec 8 3:15 to 4:15 and 6:00 to 7:00 check your email for more information

Either Yukon Jack or Mr Edwards dressed for lumberjack day!

Who can resist a minion on Friday the 13

Happy Friday and have a good weekend

Enjoying a mask break today!


Some more Halloween fun

Happy Friday

Costume time at HBRMS

Fear us gingers

Great reminder as we head into our 2nd 9 weeks at HBRMS