HBR Middle School is excited for the 2023-2024 school year! I had the unique opportunity to work alongside Mr. Strouss last year and was able to learn so much about the district, middle school, and community. I am continuously impressed with how hardworking and caring everyone is which makes HBR a great place to work!
This school year we welcomed two new teachers, a new paraprofessional, and a new administrative assistant in the main office. Both of our new teachers work within the special education department and have quickly jumped in and made connections with our staff and students. Some of our other "new" staff are people that are known to our building! Our new paraprofessional is a familiar face, as she has been working in the middle school cafeteria serving our students lunch and now she is able to support them in the classroom, as well! Our new administrative assistant is connected to a very familiar face, as she is the daughter of our previous administrative assistant, Sue Blume! Please join me in giving our new members to our HBRMS family a warm welcome:
Noel Sutcliff: 6th grade special education resource teacher
Cord Sauer: 8th grade special education resource teacher
Maggie Heery: Paraprofessional
Jenny Simonson: Administrative Assistant
We have also welcomed 16 new students to the middle school! It was an exciting summer as our new registrations came through. Our new students are settling in and making new friends, which is a testament to how welcoming and friendly this community is.
This week our 6th graders have spent time at Snake Road--stay tuned for more information about the amazing time they had working together, building new and enriching old relationships, and connecting as a team!
I look forward to a great year as the new Principal at HBRMS!